
here in this place
The Maggolee website, developed by Reconciliation Victoria, supports engagement and partnerships between local government and Aboriginal communities.

why is this important?

Truth-telling is a central part of the Victorian Treaty process and core element of the Uluru Statement From the Heart’s call for ‘Voice, Treaty, Truth’. Understanding our history is essential if we want to understand our future. It is essential that local councils engage with truth-telling because identity is so closely linked to place. Your municipality must showcase the deep and rich First Peoples histories and cultures that enrich your community.

The Yoo-rrook Justice Commission is Victoria’s official truth-telling body. The Commission will investigate both the historical and contemporary injustices committed against First Peoples since colonisation. There are many opportunities for council’s work to align with the groundbreaking truth-telling work of the Yoo-rrook Justice Commission.

Recommended Strategies

  • Make council records and resources available to research and document First Peoples histories. 
  • Work with the local First Peoples community to research, document and promote First Peoples histories.
  • Commission truthful community narratives of local history.
  • Commission a specific work on the First Peoples history of your municipality. 
  • Stay updated on the work of the Yoo-rrook Justice Commission and work with your local community to find appropriate ways to respond. 

Case Studies

Reconciliation Victoria interviewed with Brent Ryan, Assistant Director, Education at the Yoorrook Justice Commission.

This video highlights the work of the Yoorrook Justice Commission, the first formal truth-telling body in Australia and ways local councils can support truth-telling in their municipality.

Watch here.

links & resources

Yoorrook Justice Commission | First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria

Truth and Justice in Victoria | Aboriginal Victoria

Yoorrook Justice Commissioners Announced | Premier of Victoria

Some facts about Truth-telling | The Age

Report into Victoria's Child Protection and Criminal Justice Systems | Yoorrook Justice Commission

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