Self-determination is fundamental to achieving genuine reconciliation which will enable a positive future for councils and their constituents. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices must be present across all decision-making in Council. This can be done through meaningful engagement with First Peoples organisations and individuals.
The strength and diversity of First Peoples organisations across the state are a reflection of the communities they are a part of. They provide culturally safe and self-determined access to services and resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. They are often focal points for the local community and the broader service sector, and are well placed to work with councils. It is important that councils engage with the breadth of First Peoples organisations in their municipality, as they each reflect specific interests, needs, and expertise.
The City of Port Phillip demonstrates a meaningful commitment to partnership and engagement with First Peoples through the delivery of We-akon Dilinja, a mourning reflection event, in partnership with the Boon Wurrung Land and Sea Council. The ceremony recognises the journey and experience of the Yaluk-Ut Weelam clan of the Boon Wurrung People and language group.
This open and honest collaboration between the Boon Wurrung Land and Sea Council and the City of Port Phillip has developed a culturally safe space that recognises the true shared history and reflects the diversity of views in the municipality.
Local Aboriginal Networks (LANs) | First Peoples - State Relations
Registered Aboriginal Parties | Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council
Develop partnerships with local Aboriginal Controlled Community Organisations (ACCOs) to support the delivery of services | AbSec
Engagement, Policies and Protocols | Maggolee
First Nations Connections and Structures | Maggolee