Victoria is leading the nation in self-determination. However, delivery of successful reforms requires a collaborative effort across all levels of government. There are a number of state government strategies and frameworks and it is important to ensure that the work of your local government is aligned with them. The overarching policy framework is the Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework 2018-2023 (VAAF). It reflects Victoria’s bipartisan commitment to achieving long-term generation change to close the gap in education, health and wellbeing, economic and justice outcomes. Underpinning the VAAF are a number of key Aboriginal specific strategies relating to education, health, human services, economic participation and development, family violence and justice.
Gunditjmara man Jason Mifsud, co-author of the Victorian Aboriginal and Local Government Strategy, discusses the roadmap toward Aboriginal self-determination in Victorian local government.
This interview was produced by Charles Pakana of Victorian Aboriginal News and originally aired on NITV Radio.
"It's a roadmap to local aspiration, local endeavour, and local relationships"
The Victorian Aboriginal and Local Government Strategy (VALGS) is a state government strategy, developed by an Aboriginal Steering Committee, focused on creating pathways to stronger partnerships and self-determination.
VALGS includes a clear framework for shared decision-making processes and actions for Aboriginal Victorians to work together with local government to achieve local place-based outcomes, grounded in the principles of Aboriginal self-determination, fairness, respect, and trust.
To support the Strategy, the Minister for Local Government has issued a Ministerial Good Practice Guideline and General Guidance for Councils Engaging with Aboriginal Victorians under the Local Government Act 2020. The Guideline and guidance aims to assist Councils when engaging with Traditional Owners, Aboriginal Organisations and Community by providing a step-by-step guide for councils on how to identify, engage and build connections and develop mutually beneficial relationships.
We hope that local governments will incorporate elements of VALGS into their strategic planning, including providing new information to Reconciliation Victoria for their Maggolee page and recognising exemplary reconciliation projects within their municipality.
Victorian Aboriginal and Local Government Strategy 2021- 2026
Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework 2018-2023
Advancing the Treaty Process with Aboriginal Victorians Act 2018
Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010
Marrung Aboriginal Education Plan 2016-2026
Korin Korin Balit-Djak: Aboriginal health, wellbeing and safety strategic plan 2017-2027
Balit Murrup: Aboriginal social and emotional wellbeing framework
Koolin Balit: Aboriginal health strategy
Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Land Management Agreements
Victorian Aboriginal Economic Strategy 2013-2020
Pupangarli Marnmarnepu 'Owning Our Future' Aboriginal Self-Determination Reform Strategy 2020-2025