
here in this place
The Maggolee website, developed by Reconciliation Victoria, supports engagement and partnerships between local government and Aboriginal communities.


Moonee Valley City Council renews Statement of Commitment with First Peoples

On Tuesday 13 of December, Mooney Valley City Council signed to renewed their commitment to working with Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation, Wurundjeri Peoples and all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

This included the renewal and signing of their Statement of Commitment by Mayor Pierce Tyson, Deputy Mayor Samantha Byrne and Councillors Jacob Bettio, RoseIser, and Katrina Hodson were also a part of this initiative.

The renewal was conducted in partnership with members of the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation and Elders –including Aunty Julieanne Axford, Aunty Gail Smith, Jacqui Wandin and Uncle Tony Garvey.

The City of Moonee Valley is amongst a growing number of local governments strengthening their commitment to genuine partnership and shared actions with First Peoples; and making positive steps towards Voice, Truth and Treaty.

They do, however, acknowledge “there is plenty more to do” and they are encouraging Moonee Valley locals to provide feedback on their draft Bagarru Bagarru Djerring Shoulder Together Reconciliation Plan.

Council is seeking feedback to ensure their plan effectively reflects and meets the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and the broader community.

Read the plan and have your say here.

View the announcement here.

Image: Moonee Valley City Council Mayors, Councillors and Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation Elders.

Credit to Moonee Valley City Council.


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